Archaeological park is open




Archaeological park is open

An ancient theatre. Photo: G. Majcherek/PCMA UW.

On 1st April in Alexandria the archaeological park was open. The Kom el-Dikka excavations and site presentation project is a flagship project of the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology.

Located in the heart of Alexandria, Kom el-Dikka is an extensive Roman residential complex. It includes the only preserved Roman amphitheatre in Egypt. The excavations by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology, in association with Egypt’s Supreme Council of Antiquities, have started in the 1960s.


The excavations by the Polish Centre of Mediterranean Archaeology have uncovered Roman baths, lecture halls, the sole example in the entire world, and a small village, the centerpiece of which is the Villa of the Birds, a large house filled with beautiful mosaics.

A thorough revamping of the immediate surroundings of the site, including a new fence railing at the front, new tourist paths and grass carpets, has opened up the site and integrated it with the modern city fabric. On the site itself, the open-air display of monumental architecture and sculpture was rearranged in a new place along the path leading to the Villa of the Birds. Other landscaping work was also undertaken, not the least of which was the filling of the ruins excavated in deep trenches in front of the theatre and allowing visitors to walk the entire length of the restored Theatre Portico.


Professor Marcin Pałys, Rector of the University of Warsaw, Khaled al-Anany, Minister of Antiquities, Michał Murkociński, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Poland to the Arab Republic of Egypt and Doctor Grzegorz Majcherek who is a Director of the PCMA mission in Kom el-Dikka took part in the opening ceremony of the archaeological park in Alexandria.

Published: 1 April 2017

وزارة الآثار تبدأ في أعمال الصيانة لعدد من المباني الأثرية بموقع القاهرة التاريخية


Happy World Science Day for Peace and Development Tuesday, November 10 United Nations


Established by UNESCO in 2001, World Science Day for Peace and Development is celebrated worldwide on 10 November each year. It offers an opportunity to demonstrate to the wider public why science is relevant to their daily lives and to engage them in debate on related issues.

By throwing bridges between science and society, the aim is to ensure that citizens are kept informed of developments in science, while underscoring the role scientists play in broadening our understanding of the remarkable, fragile planet we call home and in making our societies more sustainable. Recent themes have included ‘towards green societies’ (2011), science for the rapprochement of peoples and cultures (2010) and astronomy (2009).

Every year, intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations, scientific research institutions, professional associations, universities, municipalities, the media, science teachers, schools and others are encouraged to organize their own celebration of World Science Day.

Since its inception, World Science Day has also generated concrete projects, programmes and funding for science around the world. Several ministries have announced an increase in spending on science, for instance, or the creation of a university or research body. The Day has also helped to foster cooperation between scientists living in regions marred by conflict, one example being the creation of the Israeli-Palestinian Science Organization (IPSO), with UNESCO support.

World Science Day was instigated as follow-up to the World Conference on Science, organized jointly by UNESCO and the International Council for Science in Budapest (Hungary) in 1999. The Day offers an opportunity to reaffirm each year our commitment to attaining the goals proclaimed in one of the twin documents adopted by the World Conference on Science: the Declaration on Science and the Use of Scientific Knowledge and to follow up the recommendations contained in the Conference’s Science Agenda: Framework for Action. The biennial World Science Forum is always held as close as possible to World Science Day.

World Science Day for Peace and Development 2015

This year’s theme is ‘Science for a Sustainable Future; celebrating the UNESCO Science report’



Day of the Dead Monday, November 02


Day of the Dead (Spanish: Día de los Muertos) is a Mexican holiday celebrated throughout Mexico and around the world in other cultures. The holiday focuses on gatherings of family and friends to pray for and remember friends and family members who have died. It is particularly celebrated in Mexico, where it is a national holiday, and all banks are closed. The celebration takes place on November 1 and 2, in connection with the Catholic holidays of All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day.

“الآثار” تحتفل بانتهاء تطوير منطقة “كرانيس” بالفيوم بحضور السفير الأمريكي


أعلن الدكتور ممدوح الدماطي، وزير الآثار، الانتهاء من مشروع تطوير منطقة كرانيس في الفيوم، مشيرا إلى أنه تم تمويل هذا المشروع من خلال المنحة المقدمة من السفارة الأمريكية للحفاظ على الثقافة، وهي مسابقة يتم تنفيذها كل عام على مستوى العالم لتمويل أحد المشروعات الكبرى.

جاء ذلك خلال الاحتفالية التي نظمتها وزارة الآثار مساء أمس بحضور ستيفين بيكروفت، السفير الأمريكي بالقاهرة، بمقر الوزارة.

وأكد الدماطي أهمية مشروع “تطوير منطقة كرانيس حيث سيجعل من تلك المنطقة متحفا مفتوحا وهو الأمر الذي يأتي في إطار خطة الوزارة لكسب مواقع أثرية جديدة، ما يساهم في تنشيط حركة السياحة الوافدة إلى مصر”.

ومن جانبه، أكد السفير الأمريكي بالقاهرة عمق علاقات التعاون المختلفة بين البلدين، مشيدا بالتعاون المميز في المجال الأثري وقيام وزارة الآثار بتذليل العقبات لإنجاز مراحل المشروع، لافتا إلى أنه سيتم التعاون هذا العام في مشروع تطوير منطقة أبيدوس الأثرية والمقرر البدء فيه خلال شهرين.

وتم خلال الاحتفالية عرض مجموعة من الصور تستعرض أعمال التطوير بالموقع ومراحل العمل المختلفة منذ بدايته وحتى الانتهاء منه، بالإضافة إلى عرض فيلم تسجيلي عن مدينة الفيوم بعنوان “نبذة عن المدينة المفقودة”.

وتقع مدينة كرانيس على طريق “الفيوم- القاهرة” الصحراوى على بعد 33 كم من الفيوم و 109 كم من القاهرة، ويرجع تاريخ المدينة إلى القرن الثالث ق.م وتضم بقايا معبدين كانا مكرسين لعبادة الإله سوبك (التمساح) إله المنطقة، كما تضم حماما رومانيا ومجموعة من المنازل، ويوجد في الجهة المقابلة مقابر المدينة.

"الآثار" تحتفل بانتهاء تطوير منطقة "كرانيس" بالفيوم بحضور السفير الأمريكي

احتفالية كبرى بمناسبة الانتهاء من تطوير منطقة كرانيس الأثرية بالفيوم غدًا

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2015 , “Archives at risk: protecting the world’s identities”


When, local time:
Tuesday, 27 October 2015 – 9:00am to 6:00pm
Type of Event:

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2015

World Day for Audiovisual Heritage 2015 UNESCO

Special event
Iskra Panevska (

The World Day for Audiovisual Heritage is a commemoration of the adoption, in 1980 by the 21st General Conference, of the Recommendation for the Safeguarding and Preservation of Moving Images. The World Day provides an occasion to raise general awareness of the need to take urgent measures and to acknowledge the importance of audiovisual documents. “Archives at risk: protecting the world’s identities” is the slogan of this year’s celebration of the World Day for Audiovisual Heritage (27 October).

Happy World Development Information Day – 24 October



World Development Information Day

In 1972, the United Nations General Assembly decided to institute a World Development Information Day coinciding with United Nations Day on October 24. The General Assembly had the object of drawing the attention of world public-opinion each year to development problems and the necessity of strengthening international co-operation to solve them.

The day was further recognized as the date on which the International Development Strategy for the Second Nations Development Decade was adopted in 1970.                                                                                      In recent years many events have interpreted the title of the day slightly differently. These have concentrated on the role that modern information-technologies, such as the Internet and mobile telephones free from digital divide can play in alerting people and finding solutions to problems of trade and development. One of the specific aims of World Development Information Day was to inform and motivate young people and this change may help to further this aim.

Happy boss’s day


Patricia Bays Haroski registered “National Boss’ Day” with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in 1958. She was working as a secretary for State Farm Insurance Company in Deerfield, Illinois, at the time and chose October 16, which was her father’s birthday. She was working for her father at the time. The purpose of designating a special day in the workplace is to show the appreciation for her bosses she thought they deserved. This was also a strategy to attempt to improve intra-office relationships between managers and their employees. Haroski believed that young employees sometimes did not understand the hard work and dedication that their supervisors put into their work and the challenges they faced.Four years later, in 1962, Illinois Governor Otto Kerner backed Haroski’s registration and officially proclaimed the day.

Hallmark Cards did not offer a Boss’s Day card for sale until 1979. It increased the size of its National Boss’s Day line by 28 percent in 2007.

National Boss’s Day has become an international celebration in recent years and now is observed in countries such as Australia, India, Ireland, and Egypt.Note that Egypt celebrates their equivalent holiday on 10 December every year.

Boss’s Day is a secular holiday celebrated on October 16 in the United States. It has traditionally been a day for employees to thank their boss for being kind and fair throughout the year.

Boss's day

Boss’s day.                                                                                                                                                                                                

World food day 16 October


World food day

World food day

World Food Day is celebrated every year around the world on 16 October in honor of the date of the founding of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations in 1945. The day is celebrated widely by many other organisations concerned with food security, including the World Food Programme and the International Fund for Agricultural Development.

13th World Day Against the Death Penalty: Drug Crimes


United nations

World agsinst death penalty

On 10 October 2015, the 13th World Day Against the Death Penalty is raising awareness around the application of the death penalty for drug-related offences, to reduce its use.
The World Coalition Against the Death Penalty is an alliance of NGOs, bar associations, local bodies and unions whose aim is to strengthen the international dimension of the fight against the death penalty.

The World Coalition lobbies international organisations and States, organises international events and facilitates the creation and development of national and regional coalitions against the death penalty.

It was created in Rome on 13 May 2002 and has established 10 October as the date of the annual World Day Against the Death Penalty in 2003.

The World Coalition has 158 member organisations as of August 2014.

Nairouz feast



In the Coptic Orthodox Church, September 11 is the feast of Nayrouz or Neyrouz, when martyrs and confessors are commemorated. This day is also the start of the Coptic new year and its first month (Thout).

Happy Coptic new year

Happy Coptic new year

The Feast of Neyrouz marks the first day of the Coptic year. Ignorant of the Egyptian language for the most part, the Arabs confused the Egyptian new year’s celebrations, which the Egyptians called the feast of Ni-Yarouou (the feast the rivers), with the Persian feast of Nowruz.The misnomer remains today, and the celebrations of the Egyptian new year on the first day of the month of Thout are known as the Neyrouz. Its celebration falls on the 1st day of the month of Thout, the first month of the Egyptian year, which for AD 1901 to 2098 usually coincides with 11 September, except before a Gregorian leap year when it begins September 12. The chronology of the Coptic Orthodox Church begins when Diocletian became Roman emperor in 284 AD. His reign was marked by torture of Christians to force them to deny their faith, as well as by mass executions, especially in Egypt. It is believed this time was one of the worst times that the Coptic church faced, known to believers as “the martyrdom era”. Hence, the Coptic year is identified by the abbreviation A.M. (for Anno Martyrum or “Year of the Martyrs”). It should not be confused with the A.M. abbreviation used for the unrelated Jewish year, which is Anno Mundi (“year of the world”).

Patriot Day Friday, September 11 United States



Patriot Day

In Washington, D.C., three American flags fly at half-staff on Columbus Circle (outside of Union Station) on Patriot Day 2013. The flags of several US states and territories can be seen also flying at half-staff in the background.                                                                  

In the United States, Patriot Day, observed as the National Day of Service and Remembrance,occurs on September 11 of each year in memory of the 2,977 killed in the 2001 September 11 attacks.

In the immediate aftermath of the attacks, President George W. Bush, proclaimed Friday September 14, 2001, as a National Day of Prayer and Remembrance for the Victims of the Terrorist Attacks on September 11, 2001.

A bill to make September 11 a national day of mourning was introduced in the U.S. House on October 25, 2001, by Rep. Vito Fossella (R-NY) with 22 co-sponsors, among them eleven Democrats and eleven Republicans. The bill requested that the President designate September 11 of each year as Patriot Day. Joint Resolution 71 passed the House by a vote of 407–0, with 25 members not voting. The bill passed the Senate unanimously on November 30. President Bush signed the resolution into law on December 18 as Pub.L. 107–89.[5] On September 4, 2002, Bush used the authority of the resolution to proclaim September 11, 2002, as the first Patriot Day.

Happy Labor Day


First Monday in September

Federal Holiday (federal government, DC, and U.S. Territories); and State Holiday (in all 50 U.S. States)


In 1882, Matthew Maguire, a machinist, first proposed the holiday while serving as secretary of the CLU (Central Labor Union) of New York. Others argue that it was first proposed by Peter J. McGuire of the American Federation of Labor in May 1882,after witnessing the annual labour festival held in Toronto, CanadaOregon was the first state to make it a holiday on February 21, 1887. By the time it became a federal holiday in 1894, thirty states officially celebrated Labor Day.

Following the deaths of a number of workers at the hands of the U.S. military and U.S. Marshals during the Pullman Strike, the United States Congress unanimously voted to approve rush legislation that made Labor Day a national holiday; President Grover Cleveland signed it into law a mere six days after the end of the strike. The September date originally chosen by the CLU of New York and observed by many of the nation’s trade unions for the previous several years was selected rather than the more widespreadInternational Workers’ Day because Cleveland was concerned that observance of the latter would be associated with the nascent socialist and anarchist movements that, though distinct from one another, had rallied to commemorate the Haymarket Affair in International Workers’ Day. All U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and the territories have made it a statutory holiday.


The form for the celebration of Labor Day was outlined in the first proposal of the holiday: A street parade to exhibit to the public “the strength and esprit de corps of the trade and labor organizations”,[2] followed by a festival for the workers and their families. This became the pattern for Labor Day celebrations. Speeches by prominent men and women were introduced later, as more emphasis was placed upon the civil significance of the holiday. Still later, by a resolution of the American Federation of Labor convention of 1909, the Sunday preceding Labor Day was adopted as Labor Sunday and dedicated to the spiritual and educational aspects of the Labor movement.

The holiday often marks the end of the traditional summer season (although summer doesn’t officially end until September 21), as students normally return to school the following week, although school year starting days now vary.

The Assumption of Mary into Heaven “Feast August 15 (Universal)”


The Assumption of Mary into Heaven

The Assumption of Mary into      Heaven.                                                  

The Assumption of the Virgin Mary into Heaven, informally known as the Assumption, according to the beliefs of the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodoxy, Oriental Orthodoxy, and parts of Anglicanism, was the bodily taking up of the Virgin Mary into Heaven at the end of her earthly life.

The Catholic Church teaches as dogma that the Virgin Mary “having completed the course of her earthly life, was assumed body and soul into heavenly glory”. This doctrine was dogmatically defined by Pope Pius XII on November 1, 1950, in the Apostolic Constitution Munificentissimus Deus by exercising papal infallibility. While the Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church believe in the Dormition of the Theotokos, which is the same as the Assumption,the alleged physical death of Mary has not been dogmatically defined.                                                                                                         In the churches that observe it, the Assumption is a major feast day, commonly celebrated on August 15. In many countries the feast is also marked as a Holy Day of Obligation.

World Hepatitis Day Tuesday, July 28, 2015



World Health organization

World Health organization  

On World Hepatitis Day, 28 July 2015, WHO and partners will urge policy-makers, health workers and the public to act now to prevent infection and death from hepatitis.

Viral hepatitis – a group of infectious diseases known as hepatitis A, B, C, D, and E – affects hundreds of millions of people worldwide, causing acute and chronic liver disease and killing close to 1.5 million people every year, mostly from hepatitis B and C. These infections can be prevented, but most people don’t know how.

In May 2014, World Health Assembly delegates from 194 governments adopted a resolution to promote global action to prevent, diagnose, and treat viral hepatitis.

On World Hepatitis Day, events will take place around the world focussing on preventing hepatitis B and hepatitis C.

The date of 28 July was chosen for World Hepatitis Day in honour of the birthday of Nobel Laureate Professor Baruch Samuel Blumberg, discoverer of the hepatitis B virus and developer of the first hepatitis B vaccine.

Key messages of the World Hepatitis Day 2015

Prevent hepatitis – know the risks

Unsafe blood, unsafe injections, and sharing drug-injection equipment can all result in hepatitis infection.

Prevent hepatitis – demand safe injections

2 million people a year contract hepatitis from unsafe injections. Using sterile, single-use syringes can prevent these infections

Prevent hepatitis – vaccinate children

Approximately 780 000 persons die each year from hepatitis B infection. A safe and effective vaccine can protect from hepatitis B infection for life.

Prevent hepatitis – get tested, seek treatment

Effective medicines exist to treat hepatitis B and cure hepatitis C.

Pioneer Day is an official holiday celebrated on July 24 in the U.S. state of Utah



Pioneer Day is an official holiday celebrated on July 24 in the U.S. state of Utah, with some celebrations in regions of surrounding states originally settled by Mormon pioneers.

Pioneer Day

Pioneer Day

It commemorates the entry of Brigham Young and the first group of Mormon pioneers into the Salt Lake Valley on July 24, 1847, where the Latter-day Saints settled after being forced from Nauvoo, Illinois,and other locations in the eastern United States.Parades, fireworks, rodeos, and other festivities help commemorate the event. Similar to July 4, most governmental offices and many businesses are closed on Pioneer Day.

Windows 10 will get automatic updates for 10 years



Are you a growth marketer? Do you want to know what it takes to be one? Join us at GrowthBeat, on August 17-18 in San Francisco. Thought-leaders from the biggest brands and most disruptive companies will share winning growth strategies on the most pressing challenges marketing leaders face today.

In an update to its Window’s Lifestyle Fact Sheet, Microsoft says it will offer support for Windows 10 for 10 years.

The post notes that it will offer “mainstream security” support until 2020 and “extended security” support until 2025. The support lifestyle cycle is in keeping with both Windows 7 and 8.1.

Boost innovation

Boost innovation

That means that consumers with Windows version 7 and 8.1 who upgrade within the first year of Windows 10 will continue to receive security updates and fixes for free until 2025. Microsoft promoted the free upgrade earlier this year, saying it would keep the registered device current for the duration of the Windows 10 support life cycle. Updates to Windows will be free — no subscription fees.

The reason that early adopters are getting such a sweet deal is because Microsoft is changing the way it reports revenue for its software. Earlier this year Microsoft announced Windows 10 as Windows-as-a-service. Rather than forcing customers to pay for updates and fixes at specific times throughout the year, Microsoft will push updates as they come and businesses will pay an annual subscription fee. This will allow Microsoft to issue fixes a lot more quickly when problems arise.

To issue those fixes, Microsoft needs to know there’s a problem and that’s where this free deal comes into play.

Past versions of Windows haven’t always gone over so well, forcing Microsoft to give updates away for free to keep people invested in the platform. So now, rather than having to back-peddle with free updates, it’s offering them upfront. The deal serves to keep diehard Windows users invested with a free upgraded operating system. In return, Microsoft gets feedback for upgrades it can push out fast. Ultimately, it’s a win-win for both parties.

It is easy to break down and destroy. The heroes are those who make peace and build. Nelson Mandela



Take Action! Inspire Change.
NMF Photo/Matthew Willman

Nelson Mandela day

Nelson Mandela day

Every year on 18 July — the day Nelson Mandela was born — the UN joins a call by the Nelson Mandela Foundation to devote 67 minutes of time to helping others, as a way to mark Nelson Mandela International Day.
For 67 years Nelson Mandela devoted his life to the service of humanity — as a human rights lawyer, a prisoner of conscience, an international peacemaker and the first democratically elected president of a free South Africa.

How the Day came about

In November 2009, the UN General Assembly declared 18 July “Nelson Mandela International Day” in recognition of the former South African President’s contribution to the culture of peace and freedom.

General Assembly resolution A/RES/64/13 recognizes Nelson Mandela’s values and his dedication to the service of humanity, in the fields of conflict resolution, race relations, the promotion and protection of human rights, reconciliation, gender equality and the rights of children and other vulnerable groups, as well as the upliftment of poor and underdeveloped communities. It acknowledges his contribution to the struggle for democracy internationally and the promotion of a culture of peace throughout the world.

New booking engine brings OTA software to individual hotel sites, so you can book directly with property





New booking engine brings OTA software to individual hotel sites, so you can book directly with property
by Jessica Festa
A demo of RezTrip on the Stratosphere Hotel website

It’s no secret travel brands and online travel agents (OTAs) don’t get along — just look at the recent trend of airlines removing their fares from OTAs or penalizing fliers who book through third parties. Similarly, hotels offer more perks to travelers who book directly.

Despite the increased flexibility and service one gets booking directly with a brand, many road warriors enjoy the price comparison features of OTAs, as well as the lower prices. Earlier this week, however, Travel Tripper launches its booking engine, RezTrip Direct, which includes features OTAs use to drive bookings, but on individual hotel’s websites. It allows you to compare prices, but then book directly with a hotel, so you can get the best price without sacrificing the perks that come with booking directly.

Searching on the Stratosphere’s Hotel’s homepage I immediately notice the widgets incorporated by RezTrip, including a clickable TripAdvisor badge showing the hotel’s rating and the number of reviews for a more transparent booking experience, as well as a yellow box showing me that “202 people booked in the last 48 hours,” which lets those with inflexible dates know if they should think about booking soon.

There’s also a Best Rate Guarantee Badge, referencing the fact RezTrip Direct searches major OTA sites to see what they’re offering for the same hotel and same dates, automatically matching or reducing the fare to give the best price. When I search for nights, I see an outline of what different OTAs are offering — $34 across the board in this case — and what the final rate charged by the hotel would be based on this ($33.96 in this case). If you’re the type of traveler who books solely based on price, this is an attractive feature.

«تطوير القاهرة التراثية»: 4 لجان لـ «الحفاظ على المعمار التاريخى»


«تطوير القاهرة التراثية»: 4 لجان لـ «الحفاظ على المعمار التاريخى»

قالت اللجنة القومیة لتطویر القاهرة التراثیة إنها تتحرك بخطى سريعة للحفاظ على المعمار التاریخى والنسیج الحضارى للقاهرة التراثیة، ووضع خطة للاستفادة منه واستثماره لمصلحة المناطق الواقعة في نطاق مسؤولیتها، ولمصلحة مصر على وجه العموم.

وتتضمن الخطة تشكيل 4 لجان فرعیة، بدأت بالفعل في ممارسة مهامها، وقامت «اللجنة الفنیة» بقیادة محمد أبوسعدة، رئیس الجهاز القومى للتنسیق الحضارى، بتكلیف نحو 10 خبراء من مجالات مختلفة بفحص جمیع الخطط السابقة المتعلقة بتطویر المنطقة واختیار أفضل وأنسب العناصر من بینها، وجمعت «لجنة الاستثمار والتمویل» بقیادة هشام عز العرب، رئیس اتحاد البنوك، عدداً من خبراء التمویل من مختلف الأطیاف لاستكشاف الآلیات المثلى لتحفیز الكیانات الصغیرة والكبیرة، المحلیة والدولیة، وجذبهم من أجل الاستثمار في المنطقة، فيما تبحث «لجنة المشروعات»، بقیادة عاصم الجزار، رئیس الهیئة العامة للتخطیط العمرانى، في الإطار القانونى والإدارى الذي یسهل إنجاز خطوات الحفاظ على المناطق الواقعة في نطاق مسؤولیة اللجنة الرئیسیة، وتسییر أمورها، من دون أن تعوق عملها الهیاكل البیروقراطیة القائمة.

وبدأت «لجنة الحوار المجتمعى»، بقیادة عاطف عبدالحمید، محافظ القاهرة، اجتماعات مع أصحاب المصالح والسكان لتستمع إلى الأفكار المحلیة وآراء الخبراء، والتى ستمثل الخطوط الإرشادیة لعمل اللجنة الرئیسیة، وتحقق شراكة حقیقیة بین القطاعین العام والخاص.

وفى السیاق نفسه، بدأت اللجنة القومیة لتطویر وحمایة القاهرة التراثیة في تأسیس أرشیف یضم جميع الخطط ودراسات الجدوى وغیرها من الوثائق التي سوف تستفید منها اللجنة واللجان الفرعیة في أعمالها، ومن المقرر أن یحفظ هذا الأرشیف في مركز بیانات، یؤسس خصیصا لهذا الغرض، في مقر الجهاز القومى للتنسیق الحضارى.

وميدانياً، بدأت اللجنة بالفعل في اتخاذ خطوات تنفیذیة، والتقى محافظ القاهرة بالسكان وأصحاب المحال الواقعة في منطقة شارع الألفى المخصصة للمشاة الجمعة الماضیة، في أول محاولة لإشراك أصحاب المصالح في إدارة منطقتهم.

وكانت إعادة المنطقتین المخصصتین للمشاة في القاهرة التاریخیة «شارع المعز في القاهرة القدیمة، وشارع الألفى في وسط البلد» إلى رونقهما أولى المهام التي قررتها اللجنة، التي تشكلت بقرار من الرئیس عبدالفتاح السيسى، في أواخر 2016، والتى يرأسها المهندس إبراهیم محلب، مساعد رئیس الجمهوریة للمشروعات القومیة والاستراتیجیة، وعقدت اللجنة ثالث اجتماعاتها، أمس الأول، لاستعراض ما تم من تطورات ومناقشة الخطط المستقبلیة.

وتمتلك اللجنة القومیة لتطویر وحمایة القاهرة التراثیة اختصاصات رسمیة تنفیذیة واسعة لوضع الخطط الاستراتیجیة من أجل مستقبل أفضل لوسط البلد والقاهرة التاریخیة، ومن مهامها وضع خطة شاملة توازن بین الحفاظ على القیمة التاریخیة واستكشاف فرص الاستثمار والتنمیة الاقتصادیة للمناطق الواقعة في نطاق مسؤولیتها.

الكهف الأهم في العالم محمية وادي سنور.. تقع ببني سويف

الكهف الأهم في العالم محمية وادي سنور.. تقع ببني سويف الكهف الأهم في العالم محمية وادي سنور.. تقع ببني سويف   كهف وادي سنور هو الأقدم في العالم ولكن هل تتخيل أنه يقع ببني سويف بمصر وأنه يعتبر …

Source: الكهف الأهم في العالم محمية وادي سنور.. تقع ببني سويف

الكهف الأهم في العالم محمية وادي سنور.. تقع ببني سويف


الكهف الأهم في العالم محمية وادي سنور.. تقع ببني سويف

الكهف الأهم في العالم محمية وادي سنور.. تقع ببني سويف


كهف وادي سنور هو الأقدم في العالم ولكن هل تتخيل أنه يقع ببني سويف بمصر وأنه يعتبر أقدم محمية في العالم بعد أن أعلن رسميا محمية طبيعية في عام 1992 وهو يقع شرق مدينة بني سويف ويبعد عن القاهر بما يقرب من 200 كيلو متر كما يمتلئ بتراكيب جيولوجية تعرف بالهوابط والصواعد من حجر الالباستر تتخذ أشكال رائعة، كذلك فإنه يمتد داخل الأرض لمسافة 700 متر بعد أن يصل لعمق 15 متر واتساعه حوالي 15 متر وهو مكون من ترسيبات كلسيه في أشكال مختلفة عن بعضها البعض كما يعتقد الجيولوجيون انه يوجد كهف أخر تحت كهف سنور ولكن لم يكتشف بعد.


محمية كهف وادي سنور 200 كيلومتر من القاهرة


يوجد كهف وادي سنور في جمهورية مصر العربية ويبعد عن العاصمة القاهرة ب200 كيلو متر ويوجد شرقي بني سويف ب 70 كيلو متر.


الصدفة وحدها كشفت وادي سنور


كان اكتشاف كهف وادي سنور بمحض الصدفة وذلك في عام 1992 عندما كان عمال المحاجر ينقبون عن الرخام في تلك المنطقة وأثناء تفجيرات البحث اكتشفوا كهف وادي سنور وقد قدر علماء الجيولوجيا أن الكهف يرجع إلى العصر الايوسي الأوسط وأن عمره يقترب من 40 مليون سنه وعلى اثر ذلك أعلن رسميا عن المنطقة كمحمية طبيعية في العام 1992.


الكهف الأهم في العالم لندرة تكويناته الصخرية


اكتشف العلماء أن التكوينات الطبيعية للكهف نادرة جدا في العالم مما جعل له أهمية عالمية ولندرته أصبح مزارا عالميا متفردا ثقافيا وعلميا بالنسبة للباحثين والدارسين في علم الجيولوجيا.


فلا يوجد مثيل له إلا في كهف واحد يوجد في ولاية فيرجينيا الأمريكية والتكوينات الصخرية التي به تكونت عبر ملاين السنين علاوة على اكتشاف سد اثري من العصر الروماني يبعد عن الكهف بحوالي 2.5 كيلو متر جنوب شرق كهف وادي سنور.


15 متر تحت سطح الأرض لتتعرف على الجمال والروعة الطبيعية


الكهف يمتد نحو 700 متر في باطن الأرض بعمق 15 مترا ويصل اتساعه إلى 15 متر تقريبا وهو تكون نتيجة تفاعلات كيميائية مع المياه الجوفية التي نتج عنها تكلسات رائعة الجمال وبه اغلي أنوع رخام الالباستر في العالم والذي تصنع منه أواني الزينة ويحتوي على الصواعد والهوابط والستائر والعماويد الرائعة الجمال وهو عبارة عن حجرتين كبيرتين جدا وبها التكلسات على إشكال رائعة مثل الشعب المرجانية والفاكهة كالكمثرى والجزر وجذوع الشجر وهو عموما شكله هلالي وحوله طرق دائرية وجبال صخرية تزيد من جماله وروعته.


الكهف يحتاج للعناية والترويج له سياحيا


يؤكد المسئولون أن كهف وادي سنور من أهم المزارات السياحية في مصر وان له أهمية عالمية كبرى ولكن يحتاج إلى زيادة اهتمام المسئولين به والترويج له سياحيا بما يتلاءم مع قيمته الأثرية وروعته الجمالية.

This Day in History : 25 January


On January 25, 1905, at the Premier Mine in Pretoria, South Africa, a 3,106-carat diamond is discovered during a routine inspection by the mine’s superintendent. Weighing 1.33 pounds, and christened the “Cullinan,” it was the largest diamond ever found.

Frederick Wells was 18 feet below the earth’s surface when he spotted a flash of starlight embedded in the wall just above him. His discovery was presented that same afternoon to Sir Thomas Cullinan, who owned the mine. Cullinan then sold the diamond to the Transvaal provincial government, which presented the stone to Britain’s King Edward VII as a birthday gift. Worried that the diamond might be stolen in transit from Africa to London, Edward arranged to send a phony diamond aboard a steamer ship loaded with detectives as a diversionary tactic. While the decoy slowly made its way from Africa on the ship, the Cullinan was sent to England in a plain box.

Edward entrusted the cutting of the Cullinan to Joseph Asscher, head of the Asscher Diamond Company of Amsterdam. Asscher, who had cut the famous Excelsior Diamond, a 971-carat diamond found in 1893, studied the stone for six months before attempting the cut. On his first attempt, the steel blade broke, with no effect on the diamond. On the second attempt, the diamond shattered exactly as planned; Asscher then fainted from nervous exhaustion.

The Cullinan was later cut into nine large stones and about 100 smaller ones, valued at millions of dollars all told. The largest stone is called the “Star of Africa I,” or “Cullinan I,” and at 530 carats, it is the largest-cut fine-quality colorless diamond in the world. The second largest stone, the “Star of Africa II” or “Cullinan II,” is 317 carats. Both of these stones, as well as the “Cullinan III,” are on display in the Tower of London with Britain’s other crown jewels; the Cullinan I is mounted in the British Sovereign’s Royal Scepter, while the Cullinan II sits in the Imperial State Crown.